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Jaiwant Salvi Foundation

jaiwant salvi foundation

JSF is a Section 12 company set up to by the founders of MVPL to carry out the philanthropic and CSR initiatives and the purpose is to bring in a new perspective to the way social sector projects are executed by connecting various stakeholders, such as the Government bodies, corporates and High net worth individuals to help build meaningful partnerships. The leadership of MVPL is committed to philanthropy and will be offering their expertise in the causes supported by the foundation.

The foundation named after the father of the founder, who was a renowned title holder boxing champion on the Indian Air Force Team for over a decade, an ex-serviceman himself and as a tribute to his accolades and achievements, has in its mission statement predominantly the cause of the welfare of the ex-servicemen, their families and war widows. The foundation shall during the transition and acclimatisation stage provide training and counselling to ex-servicemen and through its parent company, MVPL will make diligent efforts to generate employment for ex-servicemen and their families in affiliate companies and opportunities through the clients of the company. The foundation will also support war widows and support the education of their children through trust funds with educational institutions for deserving children as a tribute to our war heroes.

JSF will be a platform for execution of CSR projects for MVPL.  The foundation has been set up to support initiatives and projects to make Corporate Social Responsibility smart, sustainable, efficient, transparent and impactful. The foundation is supported by the parent company, MVPL and shall be the platform to launch the Smart Village project of the company under its “AID TO ENTERPRISE INITIATIVE”.

projects supported by JSF

JSF will support projects under the “Aid to Enterprise” initiative of MVPL and will channelise Government grants, CSR funds, HNI philanthropic contributions to make this concept a reality. JSF will play an active role in all philanthropic initiatives and projects of the parent company, MVPL.
The Smart Village project can be a catalyst in setting the trend of reverse migration from urban to rural areas with its vision of self sufficient, sustainable villages, equipped with WHO standards of healthcare, clean energy, water and waste solutions, women empowerment initiatives and opportunities for the ex-servicemen and the rural population.
The key element of the project, the smart and sustainable green structures which will be the village community centres owned by villagers, will pave the way for a self sufficient village community, digitally connected with the urban areas, for healthcare, knowledge, trade and governance. The key features of the community structures are listed below.

  • Digital Connectivity
  • G2C services
  • B2C services
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Skill Development
  • Environment sustainability
  • Women Empowerment

research & Development

JSF aims to invest in research and development and support new technologies in the areas of water, waste management and energy. The leadership of MVPL is committed to philanthropy and will be offering their expertise in the causes supported by the foundation.